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  • Health care bill pushes limits of constitutionality0

    • July 5, 2011

    Dave Kopel writes: “When the [health care bill] was moving through Congress, there was a lot of bluster from proponents of the law, who insisted that there were absolutely no potential constitutional problems. Most famously, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi scoffed “Are you serious?” to a journalist’s question about the law’s constitutionality. As it turns out, there are a lot of serious questions.”

  • Avastin & FDA: There’s No ‘Average’ Cancer Patient0

    • June 29, 2011

    Last year, the FDA began the process of revoking Avastin’s approval for breast cancer. … What is the logic of keeping terminally ill patients from potential treatments? Can’t they at least go down fighting?

  • What’s wrong with “evidence based medicine”?0

    • June 28, 2011

    John Goodman lists the problems with “evidence based medicine.” Think of it this way: What if there were a rule that says you can’t do anything during the week unless it is on the calendar by Sunday. Call this “calendar-based scheduling.” Instead of being an aide, the calendar would quickly become an oppressive barrier to your freedom of action.