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Obamacare Adapts The Worst Of Swisscare, Rejects The Best

Sally Pipes writes:

President Obama’s healthcare reform package shares some elements of Switzerland’s system, Santésuisse. And it’s tempting to see Switzerland as worthy of imitation — what with its 99 percent coverage rate and life expectancy that’s second only to Japan.

But Obamacare rejects the best ideas the Swiss have to offer — and adopts the worst. Consequently, the president’s healthcare law will not yield the Swiss-style levels of coverage its cheerleaders lust after. …

Some elements of Santésuisse would prove beneficial if implemented in the United States. But Obamacare chose the wrong ones. Indeed, it appears that the lessons from Switzerland’s healthcare system have thus far been lost in translation.

via Obamacare Adapts The Worst Of Swisscare, Rejects The Best – Forbes.

(Via NCPA)