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ObamaCare lawsuits: Sissel vs. HHS & Coons v. Geithner

Two free-market organizations have filed lawsuits against the health control bill (HR 3590):

The Pacific Legal Foundation has filed Sissel v. United States Department of Health & Human Services. Matt Sissel writes:

… because I’ll be older than 30 when the mandate kicks in, I won’t be given an option to buy low-cost, high-deductible insurance that would pay only for “catastrophic” medical situations. Instead, I’ll have to buy a more costly plan with a broad range of federally prescribed coverage.

The government should not limit our choices about such intensely personal matters, or burden us with expensive and inflexible mandates.

Read the rest of the PLF’s press release.

Meanwhile, the Goldwater Institute in Arizona has filed Coons v. Geithner.  From the Institute:

Nick Coons of Tempe, Ariz., owns his own computer sales and repair business and pays for health care out of his pocket. However, he will face heavy fines from the IRS if he doesn’t buy a government-approved health insurance plan by 2014.

Via the Institute for Health Freedom.