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  • Yes, Really! Blended Learning Great Reason to Appreciate AND Celebrate Teachers0

    • May 7, 2013

    Happy National Teacher Appreciation Day! What better way to celebrate here than to talk about blended learning? I saw a few of you scratch your heads out there. But the national Digital Learning Now (DLN) group has blessed us with a new report titled Improving Conditions and Careers: How Blended Learning Can Improve the Teaching […]

  • State Report Shows Colorado Public Charter Schools Outpacing Their Peers0

    • May 3, 2013

    Having been long-winded the past couple days, I will keep this Friday posting short. But in case you missed it, please check out this week’s K-12 radio podcast interview, as Colorado League of Charter Schools president Jim Griffin breaks down the Colorado Department of Education (CDE)’s latest report on the state of charter schools. The […]

  • TELL-ing Dougco Results: Teacher Satisfaction Mostly High and Growing0

    • May 1, 2013

    The latest results of Colorado’s TELL teacher survey are out, and reported satisfaction among Douglas County teachers is high and growing. The news is especially remarkable in light of the fact that in the past two years Dougco has expanded school choice, has ended the union contract, and is pushing ahead with a slate of ambitious performance-based innovation. Challenges lie ahead, but bold school reformers should be heartened.