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  • How to Avoid the Munchkins: A Little Tenure Reform Advice for Kansas0

    • April 16, 2014

    The teachers union may have ordered the death of its own bill to weaken mutual consent for teacher placement. But HB 1268‘s twin, the CEA’s lawsuit to enshrine tenure protections as a state constitutional right, lives on. Meanwhile, a glimpse across the eastern border reveals the winds surrounding this debate are blowing in a very […]

  • Large-Scale Class Size Reduction Doesn’t Work: More Moderation, Please0

    • April 15, 2014

    A wise person once told me: Everything in moderation… including moderation. I’ve spent years trying to make complete sense out of that, but the point is some people can go overboard with certain ideas. That’s just as true in the education policy arena as anywhere else. One of those discussions surrounds the happy talk of […]

  • Yes, Fordham, Colorado School Boards Matter; Let’s Encourage True Local Control0

    • April 3, 2014

    A long, long two-and-a-half years ago I shared with you my thoughts about school boards going the way of the horse and buggy. The article written by education reform senior statesman Checker Finn prompted me to weigh in: Unlike many other areas of education reform, this is one in which Colorado would not figure to […]

  • New Independence Institute Ownership? Goodbye, Eddie; Hello, Little Ed Koch0

    • April 1, 2014

    Change is hard, especially when you’ve been 5 years old for so long like I have. But it can be good, too. Some of you may have seen today’s important news release from the Independence Institute about their new arrangement: Under the terms of the agreement the Koch brothers have invested an undisclosed amount of […]

  • Colorado Ranks 21st in Per-Pupil Spending (and Other New Numbers from the NEA)0

    • March 31, 2014

    The month of March is getting ready to go out. Not exactly sure it’s like a lamb. But there is one report released this month that some in Colorado’s education-industrial complex would just as soon see put out to pasture. The National Education Association has released its annual “Rankings and Estimates” publication, which compares the […]

  • Filling In a Few Compelling Reasons to Go Watch Jeffco Open Union Negotiations0

    • March 28, 2014

    What a difference six weeks can make! When I last focused in on happenings at Jeffco schools, the local teachers union had taken its political spectacle from the boardroom to the classroom. Meanwhile, the school board moved ahead discussing its priorities and engaging the community in a search for a new superintendent. It was good […]