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  • Reforming Post-Secondary Education in Colorado0

    • December 1, 1997

    This study is the first to provide a comprehensive analysis of private post secondary schools, based on survey data from the Colorado Commission on Higher Education and the Colorado Private School Association. In this report we explore the growth of the Colorado economy and the demands that growth is creating for education and training of the labor force. We compare the benefits and costs of private and public post secondary schools from the perspective of Colorado citizens and taxpayers. This analysis is the basis for policy recommendations to improve the efficiency and equity of post secondary education. The following is a summary of the major findings in the study.

  • Anti-Smoking Zealots Snuff the Rule of Law0

    • November 13, 1997

    Representative Diana DeGette recently introduced a bill in Congress to raise the legal age for cigarette smoking from 18 to 21. This will protect Our Children from the horrors of cigarette smoking. Ms. DeGette and her colleagues consider 18 year olds mature enough to drive, work, vote, go to war, marry, fornicate, and have abortions. Heaven forbid that they should be allowed to smoke.

  • Bible Supports Death Penalty0

    • October 29, 1997

    On October 13, 1997 at 8:33 p.m., the State of Colorado executed Gary Davis, who had been convicted in 1986 for the brutal rape, torture and murder of Virginia “Ginny” May of Byers. Davis was the first convicted murderer to be executed in Colorado in thirty years, a hiatus that had resulted largely from court rulings on the constitutionality of capital punishment.

  • The Common School Movement in Colorado0

    • October 15, 1997

    With hotly-contested school board election campaigns going on all over the state, theres no shortage of candidates promising that they can fix the public schools. But the fundamental problem with education is that the government doesnt trust us to educate our children.

  • Education-The Reform Agenda for 20000

    • September 17, 1997

    Pop quiz: Guess which of the state’s 176 school districts chose a military officer as superintendent. Colorado Springs? Logical guess, but wrong. Boulder the bastion of pacifism, environmentalism and feminism has selected a nonprofessional educator, a retired Naval commander from Colorado Springs, to lead its school district. If liberal Boulder as conservative educational haven seems far-fetched, then its story of educational reform as a model for the rest of the state would appear otherworldly. But it’s not.


    • September 6, 1997

    Americans were rightfully shocked recently when a gang of Phoenix bounty hunters broke into the wrong house, assaulted the inhabitants, and–when one of the victims fought back–murdered the man and his wife. The bounty hunters were allegedly attempting to capture a scofflaw, who had jumped bail. The bounty hunters were thus, in a sense, trying to make money by enforcing the law.