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  • Illegal Textbook Fees in Jeffco Schools0

    • December 23, 1998

    The voters in Jefferson County, in the latest election, soundly rejected the Jefferson County School Boards plea for the largest school tax increase in state history. Why? One of the most important reason was voter anger over much smaller taxes that the Jeffco School Board had imposed illegally. These taxes are the infamous “textbook fees” which have generated so much controversy.

  • Give a Dollar to the Man on the Corner?0

    • December 11, 1998

    What about the guy with the cardboard sign? Should you give him a dollar or feel guilty for not doing so?

    First, let’s consider why he is out there. The sign usually announces he is hungry, and wants money to buy food. The street people who ask for spare change usually say they want to buy a sandwich or a cup of coffee. We don’t trust politicians or used car salesmen. Should we trust the guy on the corner?

  • Corruptions Dead Canaries0

    • December 2, 1998

    The routine levels of corruption in certain other states make Colorados governments seem positively saintly. Until recently, the states small size and streamlined governmental structures guaranteed the transparency of the political processdubious practices were easily understood and on display for all to see. But as times have changed, so has Colorados government. Isolated events over

  • Cutting Public Safety Not a Good Move0

    • November 26, 1998

    When Governor Romer recently proposed his 10 billion-dollar state budget, he suggested that criminal sentences were too long, and that Colorado should think about shortening them to free up money for other state needs. Colorado spends too much on incarceration, he said, and we cannot sustain our present course into the future.

  • It Isn't About Kids, And It Isn't About Tobacco0

    • November 9, 1998

    One of the remarkable aspects of the anti-smoking hysteria is the extent to which it has been bankrolled by huge foundations with extremist public policy agendas. One constantly hears about all the money that tobacco companies spend on the issue. One never hears about the millions spent by the big non-profits. They want their share of the additional wealth and power that more tobacco regulation would funnel into government hands, and they are willing to spend big bucks to get it.

  • Thinking Outside the Gridlock Box0

    • September 23, 1998

    What if your supermarket was absolutely jammed with shoppers? Day after day, week after week it’s solid people. Checking out takes hoursand it’s been that way for years.

    Even imagining such a situation is difficult, because it never happens. Entrepreneurs are always searching for opportunities for profit, and any numskull can see that a routinely overcrowded supermarket means there is money to be made opening a competing store down the street.