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  • Political Correctness and Urban Transportation0

    • December 1, 1999

    It has been a while since Political Correctness suffered death by ridicule, and not a moment too soon. Unfortunately, remnants of it still lurk in Denver’s current urban transportation debate: Light rail is PC. Busses are PC. Freeways are not PC.

  • Bathing Students in Bathos0

    • November 30, 1999

    It has been an embarrassing fall for government schools in Colorado. Results from the state standards tests show that they continue to be unable to teach large numbers of children to read and write. They also seem to have a continuing problem making sensible judgements. In November, Sonya Golden, a 17-year-old honor student in Colorado Springs, was suspended when a random search found a pocket knife in the first-aid kit of her car.[1]

  • Why the Government Doesnt Belong in People's Sex Lives, Even Teenagers'0

    • November 23, 1999

    In eight towns in Colorado, the federal government is running an Abstinence Education Program to promote chastity amongst teenagers. These programs take tax dollarsa little over a half a million bucks a year for five years here in Coloradoand use them to buy written promises from teenagers that they will remain virgins until marriage. In

  • Riot Fees and Identity Politics: Making the Innocent Pay0

    • November 16, 1999

    University of Colorado Regent Jim Martin wants to make all CU students pay a riot fee because riots by college age people have destroyed property in Boulder. He apparently believes that when damage is done, those in power have an obligation to see that someone pays and he isn’t overly picky about who that might be. Apparently well schooled in the post-modern collectivist philosophy of “social justice,” Mr. Martin sees nothing wrong with redistributing money from innocent members of one group to those who may have suffered no losses in another.

  • Why the Government Doesnt Belong in People’s Sex Lives, Even Teenagers’0

    • November 12, 1999

    In eight towns in Colorado, the federal government is running an Abstinence Education Program to promote chastity amongst teenagers. These programs take tax dollarsa little over a half a million bucks a year for five years here in Coloradoand use them to buy written promises from teenagers that they will remain virgins until marriage. In return for signing the pledge and agreeing to take the message to other young people, these teens are rewarded with swing dance and Tao Kwon Do lessons, laser tag sessions and overnight camp outings. You even get a membership card.

  • Teacher Training Moves to Forefront of Education Debate0

    • November 10, 1999

    With little media fanfare, Colorado has started moving to address one of the most important problems facing its public schools: shortcomings in the teacher education process.