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Author's Posts

  • Congestion Coalition Wins in Virginia0

    The urban mobility discussed here yesterday found that the Washington DC urban area has the fourth-worst congestion in the nation, costing more than $4 billion a year. That congestion will continue to get worse thanks to the efforts of anti-highway groups who appear to have successfully stopped the construction of high-occupancy/toll (HOT) lanes along I-395. […]

  • Good News: Falcon 49 Moves Forward with Bold Innovation0

    Plenty of GOOD news in Colorado education reform these days comes from local innovation. Recently it was the 60,000-student Douglas County School District taking a stand for increased parental choice. Now it’s the 15,000-student Falcon School Dis…

  • Urban Congestion Report0

    The Texas Transportation Institute recently published its latest urban mobility report, rating the amount of congestion in each of more than 100 urbanized areas. The report also estimates total congestion costs in 439 urbanized areas. The Antiplanner has taken previous reports with a grain of salt because congestion estimates were based on formulas rather than […]

  • Ending Urban Redevelopment0

    Despite pressure from cities, Jerry Brown stands firm in his proposal to end redevelopment agencies, a plan he says will immediately save the state $1.7 billion a year, and more than double that after 2012. Meanwhile, the Idaho Freedom Foundation publishes a report proposing to eliminate urban renewal in that state. Urban-renewal agencies in Idaho […]


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