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Author's Posts

  • Meet Smokey0

    The Antiplanner visited Austin over the weekend to pick up Smokey, an 8-week-old Belgian Tervuren puppy. Smokey is actually a nephew (several generations removed) to Chip. While waiting for the return plane, we visited a city park where I was reliably informed by several young girls that Smokey “is the cutest dog in the world.” […]

  • Suburbs Are Still Growing0

    Next time someone tells you about how everyone is returning to the cities, point them to these maps based on the 2010 census. Available for the forty largest urban areas in the United States, they show, almost without exception, the central cities losing population and the suburbs gaining. According to the mapmakers, “deep blue indicates […]

  • A Parking Garage Even (Some) New Urbanists Can Love0

    Architects, even New Urbanist architects, seem to love a parking garage recently built in Miami. In the video below, Andres Duany–the Antiplanner’s favorite New Urban architect–praises the garage as being as “beautifully designed a place as any piazza.” In fact, Duany adds, “it is a piazza; it’s a public square in the air” where you […]

  • State of the Subways0

    About thirty years ago, the Antiplanner’s first visited the East Coast, traveling there by Amtrak and riding rail transit lines in as many cities as possible. The Washington DC subway looked like a set from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001, with gleaming trains quietly zooming into and out of clean stations that mostly featured high arch ceilings. […]


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