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Author's Posts

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20090

    2009 Catalog of Shows January 9th and 13th – Preview of 2009 Legislative Session Hold on to your wallets! Hide your civil liberties in the closet! The 2009 Colorado legislative session has begun. What can Coloradans expect from the General Assembly? What are the priorities? What are the pet projects? This week on Independent Thinking

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20100

    2010 Catalog of Shows January 1st and 4th – 2010 Political Predictions So whats on tap in Colorado politics for 2010? Tune in to Independent Thinking to find out as Dan Haley from the Denver Post and Adam Schrager from Channel 9 News join host Jon Caldara for a 2010 political predictions show. If you

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20110

    2011 Show Archive January 7th and 10th – Colorado Education Reform Tune in to Devil’s Advocate this Friday night as host Jon Caldara is joined by former Colorado Commissioner of Education William Moloney and the Independence Institute’s Education Policy Center Director Pam Benigno to discuss how Colorado’s public schools can change how they do business

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20120

    2012 Show Archive January 6th and 9th – Colorado Political Predictions 2012 Hey, invite some friends, break out some adult beverage and get the political New Year started this Friday night by tuning in to Devil’s Advocate as Denver Post editorial page editor Curtis Hubbard and Colorado Springs Gazette editorial page editor Wayne Laugesen give


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