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Author's Posts

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20050

    2005 Catalog of Shows December 30: Sparks fly this Friday night on Independent Thinking.  Tune in for a spirited discussion as I review the events of 2005 and make predictions about 2006 with one of my favorite liberals Denver civil rights attorney Dani Newsum.  December 23: What roles do faith and the Catholic Church play

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20060

     2006 Catalog of Shows Friday, December 29th All issues are women’s issues,” according to the brilliant and beautiful Michelle Bernard of the Independent Women’s Forum. Tune into Independent Thinking as Jon Caldara hosts a one-on-one interview with Bernard, the President of IWF, a Washington D.C. think tank dedicated to advancing economic and personal freedom in

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20070

    2007 Catalog of Shows December 20: School Choice for Kids Researching K-12 schools in search of the best educational experience for children can be daunting task. Independence Institute’s Education Policy
Center Director Pam Benigno and Raaki Garcia-Ulam, a school choice Hispanic outreach coordinator, join host Jon Caldara to discuss the difficultyparents have finding educational options. Hear

  • Devils Advocate Archive 20080

    2008 Catalog of Shows December 12th and 16th – Transparency in Colorado Government Taxpayers have a right to know how government is spending their money but in Colorado they often have to pay to find out. Across the country, many states, local governments, school districts and even the federal government have embraced transparency. These governments


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