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Author's Posts

  • EPA social media machine put on hold0

    This is the first presidential transition of complete social media saturation, and it should come as no surprise that the Trump Administration wants control of social media accounts from activist agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) where some staffers have threatened to undermine the new administration. According to an online media report, the

  • Irresponsible by Nature: No Need for, No Need to Rush Rush Creek Wind Project

    Irresponsible by Nature: No Need for, No Need to Rush Rush Creek Wind Project0

    If the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) rushes approval of Xcel Energy’s proposed wind project Rush Creek – as the utility wants – the Commission will not be serving the best interests of Coloradans, Xcel’s 1.4 million ratepayers, or wildlife and, indeed, will have an adverse impact on all Americans. There is nothing to be gained and everything to be lost by allowing the utility to rush this project through without Xcel, interested parties, and others having the opportunity to study its economic and environmental impact.


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