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Author's Posts

  • Coloradans can’t rely on subsidy-dependent wind energy0

    This op-ed first appeared in the Greeley Tribune By Michael Sandoval When Coloradans flip on their lights or crank up their heat, they expect their electricity to be affordable, and at the very least, reliable. But the state Legislature and Gov. John Hickenlooper are forcing the opposite on Colorado — expensive and unreliable wind energy.

  • Fried Birds: Green Energy Involves Tradeoffs Too0

    The Ivanpah solar plant went online last week, but the cost to wildlife–particularly birds–won’t be known for at least two more years. Reports that the giant solar thermal array featuring more than 300,000 reflective panels and steam-driven turbine towers have been “killing and singeing” birds by heating the air to around 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit near


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