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Author's Posts

  • 08/28/130

    Education Policy Center Newsletter August 28, 2013
    — As Debate Grows, New Report Breaks Down Amendment 66
    — DeGrow Looks at State of Reform in Dougco, Greeley, and Beyond
    — Benigno Begins to Educate Colorado about Tax Credits
    — Kafer’s Blended Learning Report Attracting Interest
    — Reform Issues Hit Raaki Garcia Show, Little Eddie’s Blog

  • Amendment 66: Unfair and Overpriced

    Amendment 66: Unfair and Overpriced0

    Amendment 66 on the November 2013 Colorado ballot proposes a nearly $1 billion statewide income tax increase to pay for a new school finance formula and other education funding priorities. A majority vote at the polls would activate the policy changes in Senate Bill 213, approved by the legislature’s Democratic majority and Gov. John Hickenlooper. The policy package tied to approval of the tax increase proposal raises four primary concerns.


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