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Author's Posts

  • Secretary DeVos and Her Education Freedom Scholarship Proposal Visit Colorado0

    Last week, United States Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos visited our state to speak in Colorado Springs at an event organized by Parents Challenge to celebrate the 20thanniversary of the organization’s founding. As now seems to be the case with most public officials, DeVos was greeted by picketers, some of whom seemed to have little

  • U.S. Supreme Court Will Hear Blaine Case

    U.S. Supreme Court Will Hear Blaine Case0

    The United States Supreme Court announced on Friday, June 28, that it intends to hear Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, a case which seeks to answer whether a state’s decision to terminate “a generally available and religiously neutral student-aid program simply because the program affords students the choice of attending religious schools” constitutes a

  • Teachers Generally Unaware of Landmark Court Ruling, Per New Study0

    On Monday, June 24, Teacher Freedom, a group dedicated to informing educators of their rights and opportunities in the realm of organized labor, released the results of a recent study aiming to gauge teacher attitudes toward labor unions and union membership a year after the United States Supreme Court’s Janus v. AFSCME decision. Among the study’s

  • U.S. Supreme Court has the Opportunity to Bolster School Choice

    U.S. Supreme Court has the Opportunity to Bolster School Choice0

    The United States Supreme Court is slated to soon announce whether it intends to hear Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, a case which seeks to answer whether a state’s decision to terminate “a generally available and religiously neutral student-aid program simply because the program affords students the choice of attending religious schools” constitutes a


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