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Author's Posts

  • New Study Examines Private School Affordability0

    Last week, Bellwether Education Partners released a study on recent trends in private school access and affordability.  Recent years, the report notes, have seen widespread closures of Catholic schools, which have long provided quality private education to many less-affluent communities.  Combined with increases in non-religious private school tuitions that have outpaced inflation and wage growth,

  • Some Ongoing Challenges to State Blaine Amendments and Clauses

    Some Ongoing Challenges to State Blaine Amendments and Clauses0

    In light of the Supreme Court’s granting certiorari to Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue last month, it is worthwhile to highlight the fact that the Montana case is not the only ongoing challenge to a state ban on the provision of aid to religious or “sectarian” institutions. Currently, 37 state constitutions feature Blaine amendments, which


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