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Author's Posts

  • Teacher Safety Is School Safety0

    The Colorado Department of Education annually records the number of serious behavioral incidents by students that occurred on school or district grounds. Individual school reports can be found on SchoolView.org.  Similar practices have been adopted in many other states, and although these incident reports are valuable, in the vast majority of states they do not

  • Study Series Examines how Denver and Other Cities Compare to Their States

    Study Series Examines how Denver and Other Cities Compare to Their States0

    With the CMAS results being released today, it is worthwhile to take a few minutes and consider an example of how the data made available by standardized tests is being used by education researchers. For several years now, Stanford University’s Center for Research on Academic Outcomes (CREDO) has been publishing reports on the performance of

  • Study Series Examines how Denver and Other Cities Compare to Their States0

    With the CMAS results being released today, it is worthwhile to take a few minutes and consider an example of how the data made available by standardized tests is being used by education researchers. For several years now, Stanford University’s Center for Research on Academic Outcomes (CREDO) has been publishing reports on the performance of

  • New Study Examines Private School Affordability0

    Last week, Bellwether Education Partners released a study on recent trends in private school access and affordability.  Recent years, the report notes, have seen widespread closures of Catholic schools, which have long provided quality private education to many less-affluent communities.  Combined with increases in non-religious private school tuitions that have outpaced inflation and wage growth,


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