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Dr. Paul Prentice contracts with the Independence Institute as a Senior Fellow in our Fiscal Policy Center. He was the Chief Macroeconomist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture under President Reagan. He has also been a Visiting Scholar at the U.S. Department of Treasury. PauI earned his B.A. in Mathematics, and his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, from the University of Connecticut.

Paul’s major field of interest is the link between economic liberty and political liberty. He believes that you cannot have a controlled economy and maintain a free society. Dr. Prentice teaches, lectures, and writes on this vital topic through a variety of local, national, and international organizations. His three-part lecture series, “Free People, Free Markets”, was developed with the Independence Institute and is widely acclaimed for its clarity in presenting the principles of free-market economics.

Dr. Prentice has served on the Board of Directors for community organizations in Colorado Springs, CO, including the Urban League of the Pikes Peak Region and the Limited Government Forum. In addition, Paul founded the Pikes Peak Economics Club. He currently serves as:

  • Senior Fellow: Independence Institute
  • Fellow: Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University (retired)
  • Associate Scholar: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
  • Professor of Economics and Business: Colorado Technical University (retired)
  • Board of Advisors: Bastiat Society of Colorado Springs


When Will Candidates Address the Debt?
Three Counterpunches to Socialism with Helen Raleigh and Paul Prentice
Third-party Litigation Funding is Harming Colorado Businesses
We Don’t Need More Government Control of Business
Climate Change Lawsuits Could Cause Tremendous Harm
Colorado’s Assault on Property Rights
What’s Causing Division in El Paso County’s GOP?
Colorado energy in need of federal permitting reform
Biden’s policies worsening high food, gas prices
The Devil and Karl Marx (video interview of book review)
Woke Capital: Why Does Corporate America Support Woke Policies?
Unequal Opportunities, Unequal Outcomes: The COVID-19 Recession in Colorado
Supplemental Unemployment Payment is Hurting Colorado’s Economy
Climate Suit would Hurt Colorado
Reopen Colorado now, Gov. Polis
Follow the Science – Reopen Colorado’s Economy Now
Should Colorado Reestablish Moratorium on Evictions (Counterpoint)
EPA comment on proposed rule: “Increasing Consistency and Transparency in Considering Benefits and Costs in the Clean Air Act Rulemaking Process”
Reopen Colorado now, Gov. Polis
Coronavirus v the economy: We are at the tipping point
Mergers and Acquisitions Benefit the Economy and Americans
Professor Prentice explains Trump’s tariffs
CC is a tax increase–and a liberty issue
Battle of ideas at the core of political discourse
Socialism Can Never Work
Debate on Bailout of Student Debt
In support of Trump’s terrific tariffs
Community Conversation on tax reform with The Gazette
Long Needed Tax Reform Will End Nation’s Sluggish Economic Growth
Economic Myths and Government Stimulus
So-called renewable energy wastes scarce resources
American Economic Nationalism
Gender wage gap myth still being perpetuated
Myth of the Gender Pay Gap
Don’t use Targeted Tax Incentives to Stimulate Economic Development
Economic Literacy
Property Rights
Taking a Rational Look at Income Redistribution
Myth of the Energy Crisis
Financial Meltdown Caused by Government, not by Free Market
A Stimulus in Name Only
Economic Development
Akin to believing in Santa Claus
Public Colleges May Not Boost Economic Growth
Stagnant Wages Do Not Crimp Economic Growth
Austrian Economics
Let Vets Take Charge of their Health Care
Disasters Hinder Rather than Boost Economies
Higher Minimum Wages are Bad for Business, Bad for the Economy, and Bad for Low-Skilled Workers

Independence Institute: Videos
COVID Lockdown: Impact on Colorado
Stop paying people not to work!
Colorado Economics Professor on Proposition CC
Follow the Spending!
Wage Insurance
Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights (TABOR)
What are property rights?

Free People, Free Markets
The Moral Basis of Capitalism
The Progressive Threat to Free Markets
How the Federal Reserve Monetary System Destroys Liberty

Centennial Institute: Centennial Review
The Moral Case for Capitalism
Why America Needs Sound Money

Radio: Steve Curtis
Wage Gap and Trump Jobs
The Trump Appointees
China’s Economy I
China’s Economy II
Government Crowds Out Private Responsibility
Social Security
The Moral Case for Capitalism
The U.S. and Colorado Economy
TABOR and Amendment 69
Trumponomics: Part I
Trumponomics: Part II
Trumponomics: Part III

Radio Free Market: Michael McKay
The Moral Basis of Capitalism – Part I
The Moral Basis of Capitalism – Part II
Who Cares About Lower Prices?

Radio: Miscellaneous
Federal Deficit and Debt: The Kim Monson Show (at 1 hr 10 min to 1 hr 40 min)
COVID Lockdowns, A Dry Run for Climate Lockdowns
The COVID-19 Policy Recession in Colorado (podcast interview with William Ramsey)
The COVID-19 Recession in Colorado (with Jeff Diest, min. 00:57:40 to 01:20:30)
The COVID-19 Recession in Colorado (with Kim Monson, min. 01:07:00 to 01:37:00)
Interviewed by Jimmy Sengenberger: COVID Lockdown: Impact on Colorado
Interviewed by Jon Caldara: COVID Lockdown: Impact on Colorado
Coronavirus, Democratic Socialism
Student Debt, Colorado Policy
Student Debt
Strategic Trade Policy
President Trump’s Budget
Colorado Emergency Prep Radio- Fiscal Prep with Dr. Paul Prentice

Mises Media: Austrian Scholars Conference
The COVID-19 Recession in Colorado (Min. 00:49:10 to 01:06:00 and Q&A 01:19:20 to 01:30:00)
Fake Economics: Keynesian Myths Revisited
The Link Between Degenerating Currency and Degenerating Culture
Teacher Training for AP Economics: They’re Back
Does Government Regulation Crowd Out Private Responsibility? An Economic, Philosophic, and Theological Investigation

Miscellaneous Presentations
Education and the State: An Austrian Economics Approach
Environmentalism: An Austrian Economics Approach
Introduction to Austrian Economics: Praxeology
Republican Study Committee of Colorado: State of the Economy
Renewable Energy: A Scientific and Economic Analysis
TABOR: Candidates’ Briefing