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The Road To Socialized Medicine Is Paved With Pre-existing Conditions – The Objectivist – – Forbes

At Forbes.com Yaron Brook and Dan Watkins explain how government has taken over the medical care and insurance industry:

Washington’s control of medicine has grown slowly, evolving piecemeal over decades. Even before ObamaCare, half of all heath care spending was controlled by the government.

The general pattern of the expansion works like this: advocates point to some group in real or alleged dire need and declare that Washington has a duty to act; Washington eventually does. It started with the poor (Medicaid) and the elderly (Medicare). Then came the uninsured in need of emergency care (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act). Then came middle-class parents (S-CHIP).

And ObamaCare? It was sold to us, in large part, as the indispensible means of addressing the plight of those with preexisting conditions.

Read the whole article: The Road To Socialized Medicine Is Paved With Pre-existing Conditions.

(Via Voices for Reason.)