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  • Even with Amy Coney Barrett, we don’t really have a conservative Supreme Court

    Even with Amy Coney Barrett, we don’t really have a conservative Supreme Court0

    • November 24, 2020

    At the close of every annual court term, commentators express surprise that so many of the court’s decisions over the previous year have been liberal. They never make the simple deduction that if the court is producing so many liberal decisions, then perhaps it is not “conservative” after all.

  • Is the Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett Unconstitutional?

    Is the Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett Unconstitutional?0

    • October 20, 2020

    [T]he statements by Biden, Leahy, and Feingold are flatly incorrect. The current proceedings are neither “unconstitutional” nor “illegitimate” nor an attempt to “steal” anything.

  • Lies law professors tell

    Lies law professors tell0

    • December 23, 2019

    [A] whole generation of law students has been trained to think that the 19th century courts were heartless tools of malicious capitalists, and that enlightened reform came only with the virtuous 20th century “progressives.”