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  • Energy Policy Center testimony on HB17-11160

    • March 31, 2017

    Mr. Chairman, members of the committee thank you for the opportunity to testify today. My name is Michael Sandoval. I am the senior energy policy analyst for the Independence Institute, a state-based, free market think tank, headquartered in Denver. The Independence Institute is opposed to HB17-1116 not in intent, but in process. We do think

  • Caldara’s Newsletter 02-17-17

    Caldara’s Newsletter 02-17-170

    • February 17, 2017

    We have the best investors in the world! Of course, our operation runs on money. But we’re the Independence Institute, so we also run on political incorrectness, inappropriate jokes, and workday drinking. Get this: Different supporters came in today, at different times, to give me three different bottles of scotch whiskey! I’m sure that happens

  • Xcel Energy, PUC, and OCC are Irresponsible by Ratepayers

    Xcel Energy, PUC, and OCC are Irresponsible by Ratepayers0

    • September 7, 2016

    By Amy Oliver Cooke and Michael Sandoval Is it time to eliminate the Office of Consumer Counsel (OCC) and elect our Commissioners who serve on the Public Utilities Commission (PUC)? Maybe. Our recent insider perspective on the so-called approval process by supposedly neutral regulators leaves us pondering that very question. The most recent Xcel Energy