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  • Dispelling the Myth of "Clean" Green Energy0

    • December 9, 2011

    By Michael Sandoval Clean Water Action’s Gary Wockner plays the card in his Denver Post guest editorial that is usually intended to end any debate between advocates of renewable energy technology and those in favor of continuing the exploration of fossil fuel resources–“What are the environmental impacts?” Typically, readers are treated to some sort of

  • Congressman Coffman addresses "Rare Earths"0

    • November 9, 2011

    Congressman Mike Coffman (R-Colorado) announced today that he created a Congressional caucus to address the growing problem of China’s control over rare earth elements and “re-establishing domestic supply chain” of the must-have minerals. In a press release, Coffman explained: With the establishment of this caucus, I am confident we will be able to build awareness

  • Solar Power: economically and environmentally unsound0

    • October 24, 2011

    This column appeared originally in Townhall Finance. Solar energy is neither economically nor environmentally sound By Amy Oliver Cooke and Michael Sandoval We live in the state that is ground zero for absurd energy policy, also known as the New Energy Economy. In a recent Denver Post house editorial, Colorado’s self-described “newspaper of record” was