Understanding the Constitution: the 14th Amendment: Part I
- November 15, 2021
“In the past 50 years, the way health care is financed has changed, with private payers and public insurance paying for more care. This interactive graphic shows who paid for the nation’s health care and how much it cost.”
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Originally aired June 21, 2012. Independent Institute Research Fellow Dr. John C. Goodman, author of “Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis,” joins a panel on Stossel to speak on healthcare issues. Continue reading
READ MOREUnknown to most consumers, many hospitals and physicians offer steep discounts for cash-paying patients regardless of income. … if you don’t use your health insurance. Continue reading
READ MORERAND Corp: “Growth Of Consumer-Directed Health Plans To One-Half Of All Employer-Sponsored Insurance Could Save $57 Billion Annually” Continue reading
READ MOREAmericans control less of our own health spending than do residents of other developed countries. After ObamaCare is defeated, reversing his long-term trend must be the top priority of the real health reform that replaces it. Continue reading
READ MOREIt is not fee-for-service that is the problem, but the burden third-party payers put on patients and providers alike, without adding any value whatsoever. Continue reading