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  • Putting This Week’s Fusion News in Context

    Putting This Week’s Fusion News in Context0

    • December 13, 2022

    By now you’ve probably seen dozens of headlines about scientists achieving a breakthrough in fusion energy this week. While the news is cause for celebration, expectations for an imminent supply of limitless clean energy should be tempered. On December 5th, the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory successfully achieved a net energy gain from

  • Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Nuclear Takes Too Long to Build

    Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Nuclear Takes Too Long to Build0

    • September 28, 2022

    I’ve extolled the virtues of nuclear energy for its reliability, clean emissions, efficient land use, “just transition” potential, and energy security upside on several occasions. I’ve even documented why many of the fears surrounding nuclear and aversion to its deployment are often irrational and misguided. But one of the legitimate, good-faith critiques of nuclear is

  • Environmentalists For… Higher Emissions?

    Environmentalists For… Higher Emissions?0

    • August 30, 2022

    A new bombshell report released today by the Breakthrough Institute details the lengths gone to by a prominent environmental group and a major renewables lobbyist to produce a bogus study in order to justify closing California’s last operating nuclear plant. Here’s an excerpt: Since PG&E negotiated an agreement with anti-nuclear environmental groups in 2016 to

  • Elon Musk Calls for Boost in Oil & Gas, Nuclear

    Elon Musk Calls for Boost in Oil & Gas, Nuclear0

    • August 29, 2022

    The founder and CEO of one of the world’s largest electric vehicle and battery companies wants us to “drill baby drill.” According to CNBC: The world must continue to extract oil and gas in order to sustain civilization, while also developing sustainable sources of energy, Tesla founder Elon Musk told reporters at a conference in Norway on

  • Japan’s Nuclear U-Turn

    Japan’s Nuclear U-Turn0

    • August 24, 2022

    The country of Japan is often trotted out by anti-nuclear environmental types as a go-to case study for why the U.S. should eschew nuclear energy in favor of renewables to meet our emissions goals. It’s experience during the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi accident, when a massive tsunami triggered a partial meltdown in three of the plant’s

  • Small Modular Reactors Get New Industry, Government Buy-In

    Small Modular Reactors Get New Industry, Government Buy-In0

    • August 10, 2022

    Nuclear fission truly is a bit of unicorn in the world’s panoply of energy sources. Not only is it extremely efficient at reliably producing electricity—generating zero carbon emissions while doing so—it can also be used to co-produce heat and steam. That makes it an appealing option for hard to decarbonize businesses in the industrial sector,