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  • Update on Article V and the Necessary and Proper Clause0

    • January 16, 2015

    Some people have asked for further clarification on why the Constitution’s Necessary and Proper Clause does not grant Congress power to use its convention call to regulate a Convention for Proposing Amendments. This is a technical area and can be difficult to grasp (or explain, for that matter). You have to understand the nature of

  • The Constitution’s Grants To Persons and Entities Outside the U.S. Government0

    • December 18, 2014

    A little known aspect of our Constitution is that it delegates power, not just to the U.S. Government and to its units, but also to persons and entities outside the U.S. Government. In each case, the power to act is derived ultimately from the Constitution. Even when those persons or entities are states or officeholders

  • More Evidence From Last Term That It’s Not a “Conservative Supreme Court”0

    • October 20, 2014

    Note: This article was first published at cns news. There is a common media myth that the current U.S. Supreme Court, or at least a majority of the current justices, is “conservative.” But if a “conservative” justice is one who consistently interprets the Constitution in accordance with traditional methods of judging—as the Founders intended for