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  • Granddaddy of KIPP Studies Shows More Success for Growing Charter Network0

    • September 18, 2015

    I can confess to you that something has made Eddie a little sad lately. That’s just the amount of crazy charter-bashing going on these days. Some of this craziness gets imported locally by reform opponents who twist themselves in knots to dance around their rage at the Jeffco and Thompson boards of education providing fair, […]

  • Jeffco Union Prez Wants “Big Lift”; For Kids’ Sake, How About Some Peace?0

    • August 28, 2015

    So union leaders and members come to an agreement with pay raises and some concessions from district leaders — an agreement praised by the Denver Post — yet JCEA wants to keep fighting for control. And they want us to believe their focus is what’s best for students? JCEA brass is focused on the “big lift,” leaving many great teachers and even more kids trapped in between.

  • New York Charter Success: You Know How to Spell It0

    • August 18, 2015

    It’s often been said “you can’t argue with success” (or Success). But that doesn’t stop some from trying. Last year, I pointed out the collective jaw-dropping that took place when test results came back from students in the Harlem Success Academies, a New York City charter network that overwhelmingly serves poor and disadvantaged families. Just […]