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  • Colorado or California, find out tomorrow

    Colorado or California, find out tomorrow0

    • November 5, 2018

    In one day we’ll know the future of Colorado politics: Four statewide offices, including governor, thirteen ballot issues, the state senate hanging by one vote, and one of the hottest US Congressional races in the country, the 6th. Will we take a step toward or away from becoming California? I’ll keep my predictions to myself

  • Choose your voter guide

    Choose your voter guide0

    • October 23, 2018

    “Daddy,” a little girl asked her father, “do all fairy tales begin with ‘Once upon a time’? ” “No, sweetheart,” he answered. “Most begin with ‘If I am elected.’” Since we like choice so much around here, I thought I’d offer you a buffet of great voter guides and election recommendations by some of the

  • The return of Mike Rosen

    The return of Mike Rosen0

    • August 8, 2018

    He’s back in print! We pulled radio host legend and columnist Mike Rosen off the golf course and hid his scotch until he agreed to join CompleteColorado.com as a regular columnist. His debut column is out today – Yes, I voted for Trump, and I’m glad I did. Visit CompleteColorado.com to see all the latest

  • Help me NOT raise $20,000 for Children’s Hospital

    Help me NOT raise $20,000 for Children’s Hospital0

    • July 19, 2018

    I have never asked your help to reach a goal that I hoped not to make… until now that is. I don’t want to raise a dollar over $19,999. And trust me, assuming you have eyesight, neither do you. A little background might be instructive. This is that email I send out once a year

  • The big winner tonight is… TABOR!

    The big winner tonight is… TABOR!0

    • June 27, 2018

    As I’m watching the numbers roll in tonight from Colorado’s primary elections, I just had to tell you what the news might not pick up on, even if they noticed it. The big winner in tonight’s Republican Primary is our Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights. You might recall last year several weak-kneed Republicans in the state

  • The Most Politically Incorrect Event of the Year!

    The Most Politically Incorrect Event of the Year!0

    • June 26, 2018

    EMBRACE YOUR PERSONAL FREEDOMS at the most politically incorrect event of the year! The Independence Institute’s Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Party and fundraiser flies in the face of left-leaning nannyists and instead revels in the perks of adulthood, including drinking, smoking, and shooting: The same kind of fundamental rights the left works to take away