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  • State-run insurance exchange enables federal control of Coloradans’ insurance0

    • April 25, 2011

    “ObamaCare is unpopular, unwieldy, expensive, arguably unconstitutional, and a prime target for repeal. It requires the states to do much of the federal government’s dirty work. Right now, the federal government is paying states $1 million to plan health insurance exchanges designed limit the kinds of health insurance policies available to state residents.”

  • Do private insurance exchanges already exist?0

    • April 19, 2011

    The Denver Post has quoted Colo. state rep Amy Stephens as saying that “Most people viewed exchanges as the most free-market part of Obamacare.” But viewing state-run exchanges as somehow free-market is also wrong because privately-run exchanges already exist.

  • Washington Post & CBS Corp. get ObamaCare money0

    • April 18, 2011

    Two mainstream news organizations are receiving hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars from Obamacare’s Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP)