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  • Flexibility in implementing health care “reform” limited to more authoritarian control0

    • March 15, 2011

    “HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has written that ObamaCare gives states “incredible freedom” to implement the law. We now know what she meant: states are free to coerce their residents even more than ObamaCare requires. What’s incredible is that she calls that freedom.” – Michael Cannon, Cato Institute

  • Get your ObamaCare updates from Cato Institute0

    • March 12, 2011

    The latest Healthy Competition newsletter from the Cato Institute summarizes the latest studies, op-eds and blog posts from Cato scholars about ObamaCare. The big picture, lawsuits, and effect on states.

  • ObamaCare still bad: Cato Institute updates Bad Medicine0

    • March 1, 2011

    The Cato Institute has published an updated version of “Bad Medicine: A Guide to the Real Costs & Consequences of the New Health Care Law.” It will increase increase taxes, insurance premiums, “stage for government rationing & interference with how doctors practice medicine,” & make many people’s health plan illegal.

  • How to Insure Americans who have Pre-Existing Conditions0

    • February 25, 2011

    Published in Pajamas Media: People with pre-existing conditions deserve better than ObamaCare’s price controls. Free market reforms can provide it. Like a hammer that sees every problem as a nail, many politicians think the solution to every problem is legislation that erodes our liberties.

  • The Wisconsin Protests and the New Medical Ethics0

    • February 22, 2011

    The breaches of professional ethics displayed in Wisconsin may be an ominous foretaste of future problems Americans can expect under ObamaCare.

  • ObamaCare may sink like the Titanic0

    • February 15, 2011

    “The RMS Titanic remains the quintessential metaphor that symbolizes avoidable but inexorable downfall because of hubris and incompetence. In our new century, Obamacare may supplant it,” writes Milton Wolf. He explains why in “USS Obamacare takes on more water,” published in the Washington Times.