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  • How many are uninsurable because of pre-existing conditions?0

    • January 26, 2011

    An HHS study says 1% of Americans have been denied coverage because of a pre-existing conditions. Economists conclude that less than 1% of the population is uninsurable. The individual market pools risks well, and that allowing insurers to risk-rate premiums would encourage innovative products like health status insurance.

  • Ten Small-Scale Reforms For Pre-existing (Chronic) Conditions0

    • July 12, 2010

    Instead of more political meddling in insurance markets like guaranteed issue and community rating, the following free-market-oriented reforms would help alleviate the problems with pre-existing conditions.  From John Goodman at the Health Affairs Blog:

    Encourage Portable Insurance.
    Allow Special Health Savings Accounts for the Chronically Ill. 
    Allow Special Needs Health Insurance.
    Allow Health Status Insurance.
    Allow Self-Insurance for Changes […]

  • ObamaCare’s high-risk pools may deny coverage0

    • July 9, 2010

    This week the Denver Business Journal and the Denver Post reported on Colorado’s new federally subsidizes high-risk pools (”GettingUSCovered”). But there’s a good reason to be concerned about quality and access. The Hill reports:
    The Obama administration has not ruled out turning sick people away from an insurance program created by the new healthcare law [HR […]