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  • Jake Fogleman Talks Natural Gas Saving Colorado’s Grid, Nuclear Energy on the Mandy Connell Show

    Jake Fogleman Talks Natural Gas Saving Colorado’s Grid, Nuclear Energy on the Mandy Connell Show0

    • January 7, 2023

    Policy analyst Jake Fogleman joined the Mandy Connell Show on 850 KOA to talk about his article on Colorado’s dunkelflaute episode that saw fossil fuels save the stability of Colorado’s electric grid. They also discuss the pros and cons of nuclear power and why the state’s policymakers would be wise to consider championing it if they

  • Gas is Dead. Long Live Gas!

    Gas is Dead. Long Live Gas!0

    • August 25, 2022

    Natural gas is one of the go-to bogeymen for many climate hawks. This is despite the remarkable economic and climate contributions of natural gas over the last decade or so. As such, activists and policymakers have made a concerted effort over the last few years to begin constraining the industry and phasing out the fuel’s

  • Extending Demand Side Management is irresponsible by ratepayers

    Extending Demand Side Management is irresponsible by ratepayers0

    • March 28, 2017
    Riddle me this. Based on the following clues, can you guess the product/service, the company, and the program? It’s an out-of-state private monopoly that enjoys most favored corporation status under the Gold Dome. The favored monopoly has more supply/capacity than its customers use and anticipates this to be the case in the near future. TheREAD MORE