Just two weeks ago I wrote a column for the Denver Post lamenting that 20 years after the Columbine High School shooting our children are still unprotected at government schools. I was out of the country when I heard news of the STEM shooting. I saw the headline and I instantly knew the story without
While talking heads droned on about how they want to end gun violence and stop school shootings, we at the Independence Institute did what we always do. We took action. Now it’s your turn to take action by winning a new Glock pistol (5th gen) for only $25. No, really. Read on. Colorado law allows armed
We’re raffling off a gun. Read on. There is a lot of handwringing over what should be done to stop school shootings. Many politicians think disarming YOU will make schools safer. But we at Independence Institute wanted to do something that could actually save lives. So we did what we always do —we sprung into