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  • War on Coal: Sec. Jewell’s comments on fed coal halt0

    • January 15, 2016

    Costly fees and additional regulations, along with a three year programmatic environmental impact statement: Secretary Jewell Launches Comprehensive Review of Federal Coal Program Implements Pause on New Coal Leasing while Review is Underway; Announces Additional Transparency, Good Government Initiatives to Modernize Program WASHINGTON – Secretary Sally Jewell announced today that the Interior Department will launch

  • War on Coal: Sec. Jewell's comments on fed coal halt0

    • January 15, 2016

    Costly fees and additional regulations, along with a three year programmatic environmental impact statement: Secretary Jewell Launches Comprehensive Review of Federal Coal Program Implements Pause on New Coal Leasing while Review is Underway; Announces Additional Transparency, Good Government Initiatives to Modernize Program WASHINGTON – Secretary Sally Jewell announced today that the Interior Department will launch

  • September 3 Colorado Energy Cheat Sheet: Time running out for Colowyo Mine; Bennet, Hickenlooper concerned about EPA ozone rule; Animas River updates0

    • September 3, 2015

    Colorado’s Colowyo Mine–and the entire northwest part of the state–face a final decision September 6, and the Denver Post editorial board notes the significance, concluding that the judge should rule in Colowyo’s favor, as the “economic health of northwestern Colorado depends on it”: The clock runs out this weekend on a federal judge’s extraordinary order