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  • The “right to travel”

    The “right to travel”0

    • May 10, 2020

    Most people would recognize the right to travel as an inherent, natural right of free people, and the courts say that it is the Constitution. But is it really there?

  • Civics 101: How to understand the Constitution

    Civics 101: How to understand the Constitution0

    • May 3, 2020

    “Here’s an important, but widely overlooked, feature: The document doesn’t grant power only to federal officials. It also confers power on persons and entities who are not part of the U.S. government at all.”

  • COVID-19 and the Constitution

    COVID-19 and the Constitution0

    • April 27, 2020

    The Constitution’s flexibility in emergency is why the late Justice Robert H. Jackson once said, “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.” But emergencies do not cause the Constitution to vanish.