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  • Colorado’s Energy Future: The High Cost of 100 Percent Electric Home Heating

    Colorado’s Energy Future: The High Cost of 100 Percent Electric Home Heating0

    • August 15, 2023

    What began as a first-of-its-kind ban on new natural gas hookups in 2019 in Berkeley, California, has turned into a nationwide movement. To date, more than 100 cities plus the state of New York have since passed gas bans of their own to push their citizens toward electrification. It has even begun to spread in

  • Poll: Majority of Colorado Likely Voters Favor Nuclear Energy

    Poll: Majority of Colorado Likely Voters Favor Nuclear Energy0

    • May 19, 2023

    Colorado voters are broadly in favor of the country’s largest source of clean energy, according to a newly released Independence Institute/Cygnal poll. Likely general election voters across Colorado favor nuclear energy more than 2:1 (53% support, 25% oppose). 54% said they favor including nuclear power in Colorado’s clean energy mix by 2040, with support crossing

  • Colorado’s Energy Future: The High Cost of 100% Renewable Electricity by 2040

    Colorado’s Energy Future: The High Cost of 100% Renewable Electricity by 20400

    • May 15, 2023

    Colorado Governor Jared Polis (D.) campaigned for his first term in office on a platform of transitioning the state to 100 percent renewable energy by 2040. In his first year in office, Polis unveiled an official government “roadmap” to do just that. Since then, he has signed into law no fewer than 55 climate bills

  • VIDEO: Colorado Property Tax Video Series

    VIDEO: Colorado Property Tax Video Series0

    • April 4, 2023

    Under current law, residential property taxes are set to increase by over 30 percent on average across Colorado. Such increases will come as a shock to homeowners who until recently were protected from large property tax increases like this by the Gallagher Amendment in the state constitution. Renters will see the impact of the tax

  • Colorado Policymakers Looking to Crack Down on Oil & Gas Industry Once Again

    Colorado Policymakers Looking to Crack Down on Oil & Gas Industry Once Again0

    • March 16, 2023

    Colorado lawmakers and regulators are set to turn their attention back toward a familiar target: the state’s oil and gas industry. On Thursday, Governor Jared Polis announced that he was directing regulators at the Colorado Oil and Gas Commission (COGCC), the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), and the Air Quality Control Commission

  • Jake Fogleman Talks Energy Bills at the Capitol, Nuclear Energy on the Jimmy Lakey Show

    Jake Fogleman Talks Energy Bills at the Capitol, Nuclear Energy on the Jimmy Lakey Show0

    • March 1, 2023

    Policy analyst Jake Fogleman joined the Jimmy Lakey Show on 600 KCOL to talk about his article on the Democrats at the legislature killing a Republican-led clean energy bill. They also discuss how policymakers can keep energy affordable for Coloradans and what the future holds for the reliability of the state’s electric grid. Listen to