I used to write a weekly column for the once-monolithic Denver Post. However, my politically incorrect views and the non-victim-centered words I use on paper and in-person were a problem for the Post. When I wrote that there are only two sexes, male and female, that was the last straw. Even though I was their most-read columnist, they fired me.
Denver used to be a two-newspaper town. Unfortunately, when the Rocky Mountain News folded, so did real news in Denver. While Complete Colorado, Independence Institute’s journalistic arm, has helped bring balance to news throughout the state, the progressive Denver Post has been unchallenged for Denver readership and ideology since the Rocky went under. And without a vibrant news media, government runs amuck. As journalism has fallen in the city, so has our city.
Looks like that is going to change. On September 14, 2020 the new Denver Gazette, a sister publication to The Gazette in Colorado Springs and Colorado Politics, where my columns appear, will go live online.
I’m thrilled to see Denver become a two-newspaper town again! And yes, they’ll have lots of sports coverage too, if you’re into that kind of thing. But me, I’m into politics and I’m told they’ll publish a house editorial every day! I remember the days in journalism when that was expected.
I hope you’ll subscribe today and bring back some journalistic competition to Denver. CLICK HERE to subscribe!
And speaking of my column, I hope you read about how my school district is robbing my Down Syndrome son of an education and essential services. I am more heartbroken than I am mad, and trust me, I’m livid. Read it HERE.
Or check out my most recent piece HERE on the lack of ideological diversity at my alma mater, CU Boulder. Funny how what used to be the pillars of free speech – newspapers and higher education – are now the leaders in cancel culture.
Speaking of education, tune in this Friday night at 8:30 pm MT on Colorado Public TV Channel 12 for Devil’s Advocate as I talk with former US Congressman Bob Schaffer about his charter school which is doing opposite of my son’s school.
CLICK HERE to check out all our Devil’s Advocate episodes and videos on our YouTube channel.
Think Freedom,