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Promoting Amendment 63

Here’s the latest message from Jon Caldara on how to promote Amendment 63, complete with the logo:

Dear Friends of Healthcare Choice,

Don’t be afraid, be a part of the movement to bring health care freedom to Colorado!

Voting on Amendment 63 is less than 2 weeks away. Voters are starting to pay attention to the issues on the ballot.

If we can bring enough attention to “Yes on Amendment 63″ in the next two weeks we can win.

Here’s how you can get involved in three easy ways:

1. Hand out Amendment 63 literature at the Denver Broncos game this coming Sunday.

2. Wave signs and banners near downtown Denver this coming Monday (October 25th) from 5:45 PM -6:45 PM. Activists will be meeting early at 5 PM at the Colorado Automobile Dealers Association (CADA). There will also be ready-made signs available for those who need them. There will be a large group of activists at this event and we will be contacting local and state media.

3. Be part of an Amendment 63 activist conference call this Friday evening (October 22nd) to get coordinated with others in your area.Amendment 63

Are you ready to be a part of this movement? If so, email Jon@amendment63.org to get on board. Be sure to let me know where in Colorado you are and how you want to help!

If you have not already signed up to volunteer. Please do so by visiting the Amendment 63 website.

Together we will Stop DC!


Jon Caldara

P.S. Forward this email to liberty-minded friends and family in Colorado. We need as much help as possible to get Amendment 63 passed.