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ObamaCare’s broken promises

Michael Tanner reviews a few of Barack Obama’s promises about the health control legislation (HR 3590) in a New York Post article:

  • “The bill doesn’t come close to giving “everybody” access to coverage.”
  • “Even further from reality is the president’s continued insistence that the new law is ‘reducing costs.’”
  • “Anyone who thinks that their insurance premiums will be going down in the foreseeable future is going to be disappointed.”
  • “Obama seems to have dropped one of his claims: the promise that if you have health insurance you like, you can keep it. Apparently, not even he could keep that one up with a straight face.”

Read the whole article: The ObamaCare lies are still coming.  See also Michael Tanner’s detailed report, Bad Medicine: The Real Costs & Consequences of ObamaCare.