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Obamacare Medicaid mandates are unconstitutional

Rob Natelson of the Independence Institute writes:

Deep within the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [HR 3590] are little-noticed provisions allowing federal bureaucrats to force huge tax increases on states deemed insufficiently cooperative.

The Obamacare rules — referred to as the “Medicaid mandates”— have not attracted as much attention as the mandate forcing individuals to buy government-approved health insurance. Both are now under review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

What few people know is that the Medicaid mandates are, if anything, even more constitutionally dubious than the individual mandate. That’s why Colorado’s Independence Institute has taken the unusual step of filing a brief urging the court to overturn them.

Read the rest of the article at Health Policy Solutions: Obamacare’s Medicaid mandates are unconstitutional.