Just the kind of glum news you (don’t!) want to hear before your weekend gets rolling, from the Wall Street Journal:
A Louisiana district court judge ruled Friday that the state’s school-voucher program is unconstitutional, dealing a blow to one of the nation’s most expansive efforts to let students attend private schools at taxpayer expense.
Judge Tim Kelley, a Republican, ruled that the program, created and championed by Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal, illegally diverts tax money intended for public schools to private and religious schools instead.
Very sad to see the educational fate of thousands of students in private schools up in the air. Those of us in Colorado who waited more than a year for an Appeals Court hearing — and especially those Douglas County families who had everything turned upside down by the August 2011 injunction — feel the pain.
Here’s hoping that Governor Bobby Jindal and all the great supporters of school choice in Louisiana are able to get things turned around, sooner rather than later. And here’s hoping that things turn out better in Indiana, where the nation’s most thriving private school choice program is before that state’s supreme court.
Don’t know about you, but I’m going to try to focus on some cheerier news for the weekend.