Summary | Video | Program Information | Audio | News Highlights | Blogs and Opinion | Legal Information | Other School Choice Resources
Read the June 29, 2015, Independence Institute press release:
“Colorado Supremes Reject Dougco Choice Program”
Read the May 7, 2013, Independence Institute press release:
“Dougco Loves Choice, School Board’s Reforms”
Read the February 28, 2013, Independence Institute press release:
“Appeals Court Panel Renews Dougco Families’ Hopes”
Read the August 12, 2011, Independence Institute press release:
“Dougco Choice Ruling Harms Kids, But Fight Goes On”
Summary (current as of July 2, 2015)
On March 15, 2011, Colorado’s Douglas County School District Board of Education voted unanimously to create the Pilot Choice Scholarship Program , beginning in fall 2011. It is in all likelihood the first locally enacted program of its kind in the nation. Douglas County is Colorado’s third-largest school district, enrolling more than 66,000 students in the 2014-15 school year.
Students who reside in Douglas County School District and had been enrolled in a Douglas County public school for at least one year were eligible to apply for a Choice Scholarship. Since scholarship applications exceeded the cap of 500 students for the 2011-2012 school year, the district held a June 2011 lottery. Students who did not win one of the 500 slots were placed on a numbered waiting list.
Under the program, scholarship recipients could receive as much as 75 percent of state per-pupil funding (approximately $4,600 in 2011-12, just over $5,000 in 2014-15) or the amount of nonpublic school tuition, whichever was less. The Douglas County School District was to issue quarterly checks payable to the parents of Choice Scholarship recipients, which the parents then restrictively endorsed to the participating nonpublic schools that accepted their students for enrollment.
In order to participate nonpublic schools could be located within or outside of the Douglas County School District boundaries and had to meet certain requirements set forth by the Board of Education. Participating schools — 23 were approved (17 religious and 6 non-religious) — were not required to change their admission criteria to accept Choice Scholarships, but must offer the option of a waiver for voucher students who do not desire to participate in religious services. Partner nonpublic schools were required to show student achievement and growth results for Choice Scholarship students at least as strong as Douglas County neighborhood and charter school results. Choice Scholarship recipients would be required to take the same state assessments required of public school students.
Courtesy of Benjamin Hummel, Politix Cartoons
On June 21, 2011, plaintiffs including the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State filed a legal complaint against the Choice Scholarship Program. Two weeks later plaintiffs submitted a formal injunction request. A three-day hearing (August 2-4) in Denver District Court resulted in a ruling by Judge Michael A. Martinez to enjoin the program. More than 300 Douglas County students had enrolled in a private school partner for the 2011-12 year, and some had begun class as of the August 12 decision. Judge Martinez determined that “the threatened constitutional injuries…outweighs the threatened harm the injunction may inflict on” scholarship students and families.
The Douglas County School District and the Institute for Justice filed appeals of the August 12 ruling with the Colorado Court of Appeals. After several delays, oral arguments in LaRue v Colo State Bd of Education were held before a three-judge appeals court panel on November 19, 2012. The ruling was published three months later, with a majority of the panel overturning the initial decision and remanding the case back to the district court with instructions favorable to the program.
On April 11, 2013, the ACLU and other plaintiffs formally petitioned the Colorado Supreme Court to review the Appeals Court ruling. The Colorado Supreme Court announced on March 17, 2014, that they would hear the case, including several key issues decided in the lower courts. Both sides exchanged written briefs arguing their case to the state’s highest court. A number of amicus briefs also were filed, including one jointly produced by the Independence Institute and Friedman Foundation that highlights the strong research basis for school choice in general and Dougco’s Choice Scholarship Program in particular.
The Colorado Supreme Court heard an hour of oral arguments in the case of Taxpayers for Public Education v Douglas County School District on December 10, 2014. On June 29, 2015, a 4-3 majority of the state’s high court overturned the Court of Appeals’ ruling by declaring the Choice Scholarship Program provided government aid to religious institutions. Douglas County leaders have expressed a strong interest in taking the case to the U.S. Supreme Court and challenging Blaine Amendments like the one used to strike down this program. In the meantime, the school board also is considering a scaled back version of the program that includes only non-religious private school options. Further developments are awaited.
Learn about the need for Douglas County vouchers , as explained by the real-life story of Nate Oakley and his mom Diana:
(An Independence Institute production)
Award-winning film director Bob Bowdon features the Douglas County Choice Scholarship program in a superb 8-minute news feature for his new venture Choice Media TV , released on November 3, 2011:
Watch the November 19, 2010, episode of Devil’s Advocate as host Jon Caldara is joined by Douglas County School District Board of Education President John Carson and Independence Institute Education Policy Analyst Ben DeGrow for a discussion of how a voucher system would work, and the kind of education choices it would open up or Douglas County parents and their children:
Click the links below to watch additional video:
Program Information
Below are direct links to relevant Choice Scholarship program information, directly from the Douglas County School District and other official sources:
Below are a collection of podcast discussions and other audio clips directly relevant to the Douglas County Pilot Choice Scholarship Program. Most recent items are listed first:
Douglas County school board’s Doug Benevento talks to Krista Kafer about Supreme Court ruling, next steps (Kelley & Company, 710 KNUS, June 30, 2015)
Appeals Court brings good news for Douglas County school choice (Amy Oliver Show, 1310 KFKA, March 5, 2013)
Dougco union took two sides of reform (Amy Oliver Show, 1310 KFKA, August 1, 2012)
Ben DeGrow: Colorado vouchers lawsuit gets private funding (School Reform News, Heartland Audio, September 9, 2011)
Judge enjoins Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program (iVoices podcast, August 16, 2011)
Diving into the Douglas County voucher debate (Colorado’s Morning News, 850 KOA, August 2, 2011)
Mike Petrilli and Rick Hess discuss the reaction to the Douglas County voucher-charter idea (MP3) (Education Gadfly podcast, July 28, 2011)
Charter school to run vouchers (Colorado Public Radio, July 19, 2011)
Douglas County school board enacts pilot voucher program (iVoices podcast, March 17, 2011)
Douglas County looks to expand choices for families (iVoices podcast, November 17, 2010)
News Highlights
Below is a series of links to key news media coverage of unfolding events surrounding the development, approval, implementation and challenges to the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program. Most recent items are listed first:
Douglas County voucher supporters eye bigger legal fight (Denver Post , July 5, 2015)
School choice setback in Colorado (One News Now, July 3, 2015)
Anti-Catholic law torpedoes Colorado school voucher program (Daily Caller, June 30, 2015)
Colorado Court rules us of public funds for private schools is unconstitutional (New York Times , June 30, 2015)
Supreme Court rules Douglas County voucher program unconstitutional (Colorado Statesman , June 30, 2015)
Dougco vouchers for religious school tuition rejected by state supreme court (Westword , June 30, 2015)
Colorado’s high court blocks school voucher program (Associated Press / Huffington Post, June 29, 2015)
Colorado Supreme Court strikes down school voucher program (Washington Post , June 29, 2015)
SCOTUS may be next step for Colorado’s school-choice program (Watchdog, June 29, 2015)
Colorado’s high court blocks school voucher program (CBS 4 Denver, June 29, 2015)
State Supreme Court turns back Douglas County voucher program (Colorado Public Radio, June 29, 2015)
Douglas County voucher program unconstitutional, Supreme Court rules (Chalkbeat Colorado, June 29, 2015)
Douglas County officials might seek U.S. Supreme Court decision on voucher program (Chalkbeat Colorado, June 29, 2015)
Colorado’s Supreme Court rejects Douglas County voucher program (Denver Post , June 29, 2015)
Douglas County Board of Education says it may appeal voucher ruling to U.S. Supreme Court (The Denver Channel, June 29, 2015)
Colorado Supreme Court squashes Douglas County voucher program (Fox31 Denver, June 29, 2015)
Judgment reversed on DougCo vouchers (9News, June 29, 2015)
Colorado Supreme Court rules against school voucher program (Reuters, June 29, 2015)
Supreme Court ruling could make Colorado a school choice destination (Watchdog Arena, January 26, 2015)
Colorado justices see potential ‘paradigm shift’ in school voucher case (Colorado Independent, December 12, 2014)
Colorado’s high court hears school voucher case (Associated Press, December 10, 2014)
Douglas County schools argue for vouchers before Colorado Supreme Court (Colorado Public Radio, December 10, 2014)
Colorado Supreme Court takes up Douglas County voucher case (FOX 31 News, December 10, 2014)
Voucher case goes before Colorado Supreme Court (9News, December 10, 2014)
Colorado’s Supreme Court hears Douglas County school voucher case (Denver 7 News, December 10, 2014)
Colorado’s high court hears school voucher case (CBS 4 Denver, December 10, 2014)
Douglas County vouchers argued before Colorado Supreme Court (Denver Post , December 10, 2014)
In Douglas County voucher case, Supreme Court wonders what defines a public school (Chalkbeat Colorado, December 10, 2014)
Douglas County voucher case heads for Colorado Supreme Court (Denver Post , December 8, 2014)
State gives Dougco schools highest accreditation rating (9 News, November 12, 2014)
Colorado Supreme Court to hear Dougco voucher case arguments in December (Chalkbeat Colorado, November 3, 2014)
Voucher case set for state’s top court (Colorado Community Media, November 3, 2014)
Plaintiffs: Dougco voucher program thwarts constitution (Chalkbeat Colorado, May 30, 2014)
Plaintiffs in Douglas County school voucher fight turn to high court (Denver Post , April 11, 2014)
Colorado Supreme Court to hear school voucher case (Watchdog, March 20, 2014)
Douglas County school voucher program challenge headed to Colorado Supreme Court (Westword, March 18, 2014)
Colorado Supreme Court to hear Douglas County school voucher case (Colorado Public Radio, March 18, 2014)
Colorado Supreme Court to hear Douglas County school voucher debate (Denver Post , March 17, 2014)
Colorado Supreme Court agrees to hear Douglas County school voucher appeal (The Denver Channel, March 17, 2014)
School voucher program intrigues Gilbert Public Schools (Arizona Republic , January 13, 2014)
Final briefs filed in Douglas County student scholarship program lawsuit (Colorado Media Trackers, April 29, 2013)
Legal grappling continues for Colorado school-voucher program (Instant Analysis, April 25, 2013)
Hopes are high for voucher program facing Colorado court challenge (National Catholic Register, April 19, 2013)
Civil liberties groups challenge Dougco voucher ruling (Ed News Colorado, April 12, 2013)
ACLU petitions Colorado Supreme Court to overturn Douglas County school voucher decision (The Denver Channel, April 12, 2013)
Plaintiffs in Douglas County school voucher fight turn to high court (Denver Post , April 11, 2013)
Voucher fight moving forward (Our Colorado News, March 22, 2013)
Court upholds nation’s first district-run vouchers (School Reform News , March 4, 2013)
Colorado school district wins court battle over school choice innovation (Colorado Media Trackers / Red State, February 28, 2013)
Colorado’s Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program is Constitutional (Institute for Justice, February 28, 2013)
Appeals court reinstates Dougco vouchers (Ed News Colorado, February 28, 2013)
Colorado Court of Appeals overturns block of school vouchers in state’s wealthiest county (Washington Post , February 28, 2013)
Appeals court upholds school vouchers in Douglas County (Our Colorado News, February 28, 2013)
Legal bill for Douglas County school voucher fight nearing $1 million (Denver Post , December 1, 2012)
Colorado court hears school choice case Monday (Citizen Link, November 20, 2012)
Appeals court hears Douglas County school voucher case (Our Colorado News, November 19, 2012)
Arguing, and waiting, in Dougco voucher case (Ed News Colorado, November 19, 2012)
Dougco school voucher program has day in appeals court (Denver Post , November 19, 2012)
Douglas County school voucher program gets day in state appeals court (Denver Post , November 18, 2012)
School choice marches forward (Education Next , Winter 2013)
Politicians praise school board (Our Colorado News, September 13, 2012)
Local parents respond to possible elimination of Douglas County school choice program (Colorado Media Trackers, August 2, 2012)
Foundations dig deep for voucher program (Our Colorado News, August 1, 2012)
Voucher opponents file answer briefs (Our Colorado News, July 17, 2012)
Political, legal fights over school vouchers’ fate (Business Week , April 8, 2012)
Teachers union mulls hiring “community organizer” to undermine school board (Colorado Observer, March 6, 2012)
School choice supporters pack Dougco school board meeting (Colorado Observer, February 23, 2012)
Dougco factions don different colors (Ed News Colorado, February 22, 2012)
Mickey Mouse strikes back (Joshua Dunn & Martha Derthick, Education Next , Spring 2012, Vol. 2 No. 2)
Douglas County school board members endorse Romney (Denver Post , February 1, 2012)
Calling for change in Douglas County (Ed News Colorado, January 18, 2012)
Douglas County parents overwhelm survey on vouchers (Denver Post , December 11, 2011)
Voucher pilot in legal limbo (Ed News Colorado, November 15, 2011)
Douglas County school board election a pro voucher sweep (Our Colorado News, November 2, 2011)
GOP’s influence nets mixed results (Ed News Colorado, November 1, 2011)
Vouchers divide Dougco board candidates (Ed News Colorado, September 23, 2011)
Vouchers, merit pay spice Dougco forum (Ed News Colorado, September 13, 2011)
Douglas County School District appeals voucher decision (Our Colorado News, September 12, 2011)
Daniels Fund promises up to $530,000 in fight for Douglas County voucher program (Denver Post , August 30, 2011)
Judge denies Douglas County schools request for stay on voucher injunction (Denver Post , August 30, 2011)
Scramble following school-choice decision (One News Now, August 23, 2011)
Dougco seeks stay of voucher injunction (Ed News Colorado, August 19, 2011)
Court won’t consider parents’ “critical role” (One News Now, August 19, 2011)
ACLU wins injunction to stop needy children from attending school of choice (Greeley Gazette , August 19, 2011)
Private schools to keep Douglas County voucher students during court fight (Denver Post , August 18, 2011)
Colorado voucher ruling causes confusion, uncertainty (EducationNews, August 17, 2011)
District works quickly to find public schools for voucher students (9News, August 17, 2011)
School district assists families in voucher program (Our Colorado News, August 17, 2011)
Douglas County school voucher program halted; Now what, and who pays? (Huffington Post, August 16, 2011)
Implications of voucher ruling not clear (Ed News Colorado, August 16, 2011)
Injunction on Douglas County voucher program leaves families, schools in limbo (Mile High Mamas, August 16, 2011)
Families scramble to find schools after voucher program halted (FOX 31 News, August 15, 2011)
Denver judge halts first district-level vouchers (School Reform News , August 15, 2011)
Court: Colorado school choice program unconstitutional (CitizenLink, August 15, 2011)
Judge blocks voucher plan (Wall Street Journal , August 13, 2011)
Judge halts Dougco voucher pilot (Ed News Colorado, August 13, 2011)
Dougco school voucher program halted (9News, August 12, 2011)
More than 500 kids may lose in Dougco Scholarship lawsuit (Your Hub, August 10, 2011)
Ruling next week on Dougco vouchers (Ed News Colorado, August 5, 2011)
On last day of testimony, parent of special-needs student makes plea for Douglas County vouchers (Denver Post , August 5, 2011)
County ups the ante in voucher war (Wall Street Journal , August 4, 2011)
Douglas County school voucher lawsuit wrapping up (Denver 7 News, August 4, 2011)
ACLU asks court to stop scholarship program that helps at-risk children (Greeley Gazette , August 3, 2011)
Court hears testimony in case to stop Douglas County’s school-voucher program (Denver Post , August 3, 2011)
Arguments begin in Douglas County School District voucher case (Our Colorado News, August 3, 2011)
Hearing begins on Dougco voucher pilot (Ed News Colorado, August 2, 2011)
Denver judge asked to block school vouchers: Judge could halt Douglas County plan (Denver 7 News, August 2, 2011)
Dougco, state file voucher defense (Ed News Colorado, July 25, 2011)
Douglas County’s voucher charter gets final OK (Denver Post , July 20, 2011)
Federal complaint filed against vouchers (Ed News Colorado, July 18, 2011)
Denver judge: Douglas County voucher program suits should stay in Denver (Denver Post , July 18, 2011)
Is state a “critical” player in voucher pilot? (Ed News Colorado, July 14, 2011)
Douglas County district’s plan for “school” puts it further into uncharted charter territory (Denver Post , July 14, 2011)
Advisory group questions ‘voucher charter’ (Ed News Colorado, July 13, 2011)
Flurry of filings in Dougco voucher lawsuits (Ed News Colorado, July 6, 2011)
Defending school choice in Colorado (One News Now, June 30, 2011)
Douglas County parents sue to keep new school voucher program (Denver Post , June 29, 2011)
National group enters Douglas County voucher fight (Denver Post , June 28, 2011)
Dougco board approves voucher ‘charter’ (Ed News Colorado, June 27, 2011)
Douglas County Schools holds voucher lottery despite lawsuits (9News, June 22, 2011)
Dougco vouchers moving forward (Ed News Colorado, June 22, 2011)
Pam Benigno provides Independence Institute response to Douglas County anti-voucher lawsuit (Education Policy Center, June 22, 2011)
Lawsuits filed over Dougco vouchers (Ed News Colorado, June 21, 2011)
Douglas County voucher plan draws private schools in (Denver Post , April 20, 2011)
High court decision could help Douglas County voucher proposal (Greeley Gazette , April 18, 2011)
Dougco considers ‘voucher charter’ (Ed News Colorado, March 22, 2011)
Dougco approves voucher pilot 7-0 (Ed News Colorado, March 15, 2011)
Douglas County Schools votes for school choice voucher program (9News, March 15, 2011)
Video: Q & A on Douglas County vouchers (Ed News Colorado, February 25, 2011)
Douglas County schools taking feedback on voucher program (Denver 7 News, February 23, 2011)
Douglas County moves school voucher proposal forward (FOX 31 News, December 8, 2010)
Douglas County school board votes to research voucher program (Denver Post , December 8, 2010)
Board floats voucher plan (Wall Street Journal , November 20, 2010)
A different kind of voucher plan (Ed News Colorado, November 16, 2010)
Heated debate over school vouchers in Douglas County (Denver 7 News, November 16, 2010)
Vouchers: more educational options or a waste of tax dollars? (9News, November 16, 2010)
Douglas County schools may explore school-choice options (Denver Post , November 6, 2010)
Douglas County School District considers starting voucher program (Denver Post , November 5, 2010)
Blogs and Opinion
The following links are to blog post and editorial commentary regarding unfolding events surrounding the development, approval, implementation and challenges to the Douglas County Pilot Choice Scholarship Program. Again, most recent items are listed first:
Religious liberty test for Supreme Court (Washington Examiner , July 7, 2015)
Douglas County’s school voucher ruse (Jeremy Meyer, Denver Post , July 4, 2015)
Religious bigotry in Colorado: The anti-Catholic Blaine Amendment is used to kill vouchers (Wall Street Journal , July 2, 2015)
The next frontier for school choice (Orange County Register , July 2, 2015)
Disappointment following Colorado Supreme Court ruling on school voucher program (Watchdog Arena, July 2, 2015)
It’s time for the Blaine Amendment to go (Neal McCluskey, Denver Post , July 1, 2015)
Reversal of voucher ruling likely (Colorado Springs Gazette editorial, July 1, 2015)
Colorado’s school voucher setback could have huge upside (Frederick Hess, National Review , June 30, 2015)
Dougco’s dodgy voucher plan boosts religious recruitment – not public education (Mike Littwin, Colorado Independent , June 30, 2015)
A regrettable ruling on Dougco school voucher program (Denver Post editorial, June 29, 2015)
Dougco decision brings good news and bad (Ed Is Watching, June 29, 2015)
Rounding up reaction to the Dougco voucher ruling (Denver Post Colorado Classroom blog, June 29, 2015)
Colorado Supreme Court strikes down school vouchers (Jason Bedrick, Cato at Liberty, June 29, 2015)
School vouchers may head again to Supreme Court (Joy Pullmann, The Federalist, June 29, 2015)
Colorado Supreme Court rules Douglas County vouchers unconstitutional (Brittany Corona, Friedman Foundation, June 29, 2015)
Colorado Supreme Court reverses Court of Appeals, strikes down Douglas County Choice Scholarship Program (Clear the Bench Colorado, June 29, 2015)
Colorado Supreme Court rules Douglas County school choice program unconstitutional (Heartland Institute Somewhat Reasonable blog, June 29, 2015)
Can’t contain my excitement: Dougco case reaches Supreme Court today (Ed Is Watching, December 10, 2014)
A parent’s view on choice in education (Aaron Johnson, Denver Post , December 7, 2014)
BFFs of the court: Chiming in for choice in Douglas County (Ed Is Watching, August 12, 2014)
Amicus brief on empirical data about school vouchers (David Kopel, Volokh Conspiracy, August 11, 2014)
Colorado Supreme Court takes appeal on constitutionality of Douglas County school choice program (Clear the Bench Colorado, March 18, 2014)
Colorado Supreme Court will hear Dougco school choice case, more waiting ahead (Ed Is Watching, March 17, 2014)
Could Douglas County, Colorado make school choice mainstream? (Casey Given, Daily Caller, November 7, 2013)
Douglas County Colorado voters choose school choice (Friedman Foundation, November 6, 2013)
The most interesting school district in America?> (Frederick Hess and Max Eden, National Review, September 17, 2013)
The hope for school choice in Douglas County (Vincent Carroll, Denver Post , April 3, 2013)
Our View: Appeals Court upholds freedom of choice for accredited private or religious schools (Colorado Springs Gazette , March 4, 2013)
GOP applauds Court of Appeals ruling in favor of Douglas County School District (Colorado House GOP, February 28, 2013)
Colorado Court of Appeals reverses lower court, upholds constitutionality of Douglas County school choice program (Clear The Bench Colorado, February 28, 2013)
Court rules in favor of DougCo families (The Cauldron by Caldara, February 28, 2013)
Overcome with excitement today: Appeals Court revives Dougco choice program (Ed Is Watching, February 28, 2013)
Huge Victory: DougCo school board wins appeal on voucher program (Colorado Peak Politics, February 28, 2013)
Colorado’s top thinkers of 2012: Education (Denver Post , January 14, 2013)
CTBC analysis of oral arguments in Douglas County school choice voucher program at Colorado Court of Appeals (Clear the Bench Colorado, November 20, 2012)
Appeals Court weighs Dougco choice program: Will families be able to give thanks? (WhoSaidYouSaid, November 20, 2012)
Litigious mob takes on vouchers (Colorado Springs Gazette editorial, November 19, 2012)
Families watch as Dougco choice program comes before appeals court today (Ed Is Watching, November 19, 2012)
Colorado Court of Appeals to hear oral arguments in Douglas County voucher case Monday (Clear the Bench Colorado, November 18, 2012)
Emails expose Dougco union’s voucher opposition (Colorado Peak Politics, August 1, 2012)
Straight up conversation: Douglas County supe Liz Fagen (Rick Hess Straight Up, Education Week , March 5, 2012)
New fiscal impact study reinforces benefits of Dougco Choice Scholarship Program (Ed Is Watching, March 1, 2012)
Choice would be helpful to public schools (Terry P. Beh, Castle Rock News Press , February 24, 2012)
Who has a problem with democracy? (Bob Bowdon, Flypaper, November 17, 2011)
Need to keep hope alive? Choice Media TV highlights Dougco program (Ed Is Watching, November 3, 2011)
Bringing more attention to Douglas County (Colorado Classroom, November 3, 2011)
As in the 19th century, the language of passion takes over the language of reason (redefinED, October 26, 2011)
Widening support for school choice (Charles Glenn, redefinED, October 24, 2011)
Voucher program in Colorado would advance liberty (Greg Baylor,, September 20, 2011)
Vouchers ARE government money, and that’s the problem (Cato at Liberty, September 1, 2011)
Douglas County vouchers – student choice or protecting taxpayer funded public education? (Steve Spangler, August 31, 2011)
School choice at risk for Colorado kids (Heritage Foundation’s The Foundry, August 30, 2011)
Kudos to Indiana families, reformers for early Choice Scholarship success (Ed Is Watching, August 29, 2011)
Voucher program should prevail (George Will, Denver Post – syndicated, August 28, 2011)
The latest hurdle for school choice (Denver Post editorial, August 21, 2011)
Be honest about Blaine Amendment (Vincent Carroll, Denver Post , August 20, 2011)
Backward voucher ruling favors oppression (Colorado Springs Gazette editorial, August 20, 2011)
Another battle in the war over school choice (Georgia Family Council, August 19, 2011)
Whose tax dollars are they anyway? School scholarship debate gets heated (Mama Bird’s Blog, August 18, 2011)
Colorado’s own David Souter: Bill Owens’ appointee sides with anti-school choice ACLU (Colorado Peak Politics, August 17, 2011)
Dougco choice injunction: What now for families? Who all will appeal? (Ed Is Watching, August 16, 2011)
Same arguments, different rulings (redefinED, August 16, 2011)
The loss of a child’s scholarship: the journey of three families (Our Douglas County, August 16, 2011)
Colorado court halts school voucher program (Cato at Liberty, August 15, 2011)
The Dougco debacle (Colorado Moms, August 15, 2011)
Dougco voucher disaster (Mom Off Track, August 14, 2011)
Strong words, and a little cognitive dissonance (redefinED, August 13, 2011)
Weekend wrap-up: Colorado courts ruling o’er state schools (Clear The Bench Colorado, August 13, 2011)
Lots of action in Douglas County (redefinED, August 5, 2011)
Channel 7 likes us! (The Cauldron by Caldara, August 3, 2011)
Another Colorado “edu-trial” opens today: Defending Dougco choice from injunction (Ed Is Watching, August 2, 2011)
If it’s so urgent, why did ACLU & Co. wait so long to stop Dougco vouchers? (Ed Is Watching, July 26, 2011)
Will Dougco ‘voucher charter’ undermine charter schools? (Ed News Colorado blog, July 26, 2011)
Dougco students make case for vouchers (Ed News Colorado blog, July 26, 2011)
A new strategy? (redefinED, July 20, 2011)
Stories of special needs kids bolster Dougco, Arizona choice programs (Ed Is Watching, July 19, 2011)
Video: Meet the families behind the Douglas County vouchers (Education Debate at Online Schools, July 15, 2011)
New I.I. video highlights Douglas County vouchers for Nate Oakley, 499 other kids (Ed Is Watching, July 14, 2011)
Video: Douglas County school vouchers (The Cauldron by Caldara, July 14, 2011)
Anti-Douglas County choice groups seek to stop education Liberty Bell from ringing (Ed Is Watching, July 7, 2011)
Is the Choice Scholarship Program legal? The answer is yes (Douglas County School District, July 7, 2011)
Dougco vouchers, round two (Mike Rosen, Denver Post , June 30, 2011)
Hooray! Institute for Justice stands up for Dougco Choice Scholarship families (Ed Is Watching, June 28, 2011)
Freedom heroes – brave local Colorado school board sued by ACLU – for choice (Mom 4 Freedom, June 26, 2011)
LaRue on Dougco voucher lawsuit: it’s me, not the library (WhoSaidYouSaid, June 24, 2011)
Failed school board candidate is plaintiff in ACLU lawsuit against Douglas County (Colorado Peak Politics, June 22, 2011)
Good to see Douglas County leaders stand up against shameful anti-choice lawsuit (GoBaSh, June 22, 2011)
Legal complaint against Dougco vouchers rooted in irony, anti-Catholic bigotry (Ed Is Watching, June 21, 2011)
Kids win: Colorado school board sets students and families free with voucher program (, June 13, 2011)
FOX 31 fair and balanced on education? We report, you decide Part two (Colorado Peak Politics, May 5, 2011)
Students can now apply for Dougco choice scholarships, final school list TBD (Ed Is Watching, May 2, 2011)
Conservative heroes, education reform rock stars (Colorado Peak Politics, March 25, 2011)
On school choice, opponents are afraid it will succeed (WhoSaidYouSaid, March 22, 2011)
ACE to help fill the voucher tuition gap in Douglas County (WhoSaidYouSaid, March 18, 2011)
Good news: Douglas County adopts groundbreaking pilot voucher program (GoBaSh, March 18, 2011)
School vouchers spell choice in Douglas County (Denver Post editorial, March 18, 2011)
Douglas County offers vouchers to students (Jay P. Greene’s blog, March 16, 2011)
Douglas County school board enacts pilot voucher program, makes history (Ed Is Watching, March 16, 2011)
Douglas County choice: ‘something like paradise’ (Ed News Colorado blog, March 8, 2011)
Waiting has been hard, so I’m glad to see Douglas County school choice details (Ed Is Watching, February 23, 2011)
Vouching for school choice (Mike Rosen, Denver Post , December 16, 2010)
Voucher debate in Colorado should be about excellence (WhoSaidYouSaid, December 8, 2010)
Speaking out for Douglas County’s important private school choice proposal (Ed Is Watching, November 17, 2010)
Colorado’s third-largest school district takes on the edu-blob (Somewhat Reasonable, November 9, 2010)
Colorado district considers multiple options for funding education (Kansas Education, November 8, 2010)
Douglas County school board making strong statement for parental choice (Ed Is Watching, October 18, 2010)
Legal Information
Documents pertaining to legal action involving the Douglas County Choice Scholarship program are linked below, most recent first. See also Great Choice Douglas County’s selection of legal documents . New documents will be added as they become available:
Colorado Supreme Court decision (June 29, 2015)
Independence Institute-Friedman Foundation amicus brief to the Colorado Supreme Court (August 2014)
Colorado Supreme Court, Case Announcements (March 17, 2014 — see pages 5 and 6)
Institute for Justice, Opposition to Supreme Court Petition (April 25, 2013)
State of Colorado, Opposition to Supreme Court Petition (April 25, 2013)
Douglas County School District and Board of Education, Opposition to Supreme Court Petition (April 25, 2013)
LaRue (ACLU), Petition to the Colorado Supreme Court (April 11, 2013)
Colorado Court of Appeals, Judgment Reversed and Case Remanded with Directions (February 28, 2013)
Douglas County School District and Board of Education, Reply Brief (August 3, 2012)
American Federation of Teachers and American Association of School Administrators, Amicus Brief (July 13, 2012)
LaRue (ACLU) Answer Brief (July 13, 2012)
Taxpayers for Public Education Answer Brief (July 13, 2012)
Institute for Justice, Opening Brief for Intervening Appellant Families (April 16, 2012)
State of Colorado, Opening Brief for Appellants (April 16, 2012)
Douglas County School District and Board of Education, Opening Brief for Appellants (April 16, 2012)
Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, Amicus Brief (April 16, 2012)
Alliance Defense Fund, Amicus Brief on Behalf of Private Schools (April 13, 2012)
Douglas County families appeal decision striking down Choice Scholarship Program (Institute for Justice press release, September 9, 2011)
Judge Michael A. Martinez, Court Order Granting Motion for Injunction (August 12, 2011)
Complete Transcript, Denver District Court Hearing (August 2-4, 2011 — 858 pages)
Eric Hall, Attorney Representing Douglas County, Closing Argument, Denver District Court (August 4, 2011)
LaRue (ACLU) and Taxpayers for Public Education, Reply in Support of Motion for Preliminary Injunction (July 25, 2011)
Douglas County Board of Education and School District, Colorado State Board of Education and Department of Education, Joint Motion to Dismiss (July 22, 2011)
Colorado State Board of Education and Department of Education, Brief in Opposition to Motions for Preliminary Injunction (July 22, 2011)
Douglas County Board of Education and School District, Combined Response to Motions for Preliminary Injunction (July 22, 2011)
Taxpayers for Public Education, Motion for Preliminary Injunction (July 5, 2011)
LaRue (ACLU), Motion for Preliminary Injunction (July 5, 2011)
“Defending Parents’ Right to Choose Their Children’s Schools: Douglas County, Colorado’s Innovative Scholarship Program is Constitutional” – Institute for Justice litigation backgrounder (June 28, 2011)
LaRue v Colorado (ACLU) complaint (June 21, 2011)
Douglas County School District, Choice Scholarship Program Legal Fund