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Medical Freedom Zones in the U.S. can promote innovation and quality

Benjamin Barr and Stephen Klein of the Wyoming Liberty Group make the case for establishing a medical freedom zone in the United States:

A medical freedom zone is a legally recognized geographic area where health care professionals may provide services and conduct research governed by professional associations and private contracts.

Both the federal and state governments hamper doctors‘ ability to innovate in medicine and to offer more affordable or alternative care. While the federal government delays innovative medicine, state governments make affordable care more difficult by limiting the number of doctors and saddling those who do practice with difficult liability rules. Similarly, the ability of care providers and patients to fashion their own agreements governing medical procedures is entirely hamstrung through state regulation. The result? More than 500,000 Americans fled the United States in 2008 for medical tourism. The time for innovative reform is now.

This paper illustrates how one jurisdiction could take the lead in defining medical freedom in the United States and create a safe haven for innovation, alternative care, and affordable treatment.

Read the rest of the summary and find a link to the whole issue brief here:Medical Freedom Zones | Wyoming Liberty Group.