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Mainstream media racism

Mainstream media racism

Take a good look at this cartoon. This is by Mike Thompson of the Detroit Free Press and was reproduced by U.S. Today. Both newspapers are leading mainstream media outlets.

If you are concerned about over-reaching lockdown orders or if you believe in the Second Amendment, this is how the mainstream media thinks of you.

Notice the cartoon’s clearly racist and sexist stereotypes.  Imagine if a major newspaper published an equivalent cartoon with African-American or female stereotypes. What would be the reaction?

The intolerance and bigotry of the liberal media is one reason why so many Americans are upset.  Like the liberal media’s downplaying of the violence during BLM-Antifa riots and their lying about the “baseless” nature of election fraud claims, it is also a reason why those media are doomed as a credible national force. Don’t get too upset. Just let them “die in darkness.”


Rob Natelson