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  • Sentencing Reform0

    • April 7, 2008

    April 3rd and 7th – Sentencing Reform Once again the Colorado budget and prison spending are on a collision course. The Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCCJJ) tries to balance public safety, justice, the rights of victims and the most cost-effective use of public resources. CCCJJ recently released recommendations. Commission member State Representative

  • Is Taiwan next for China’s thuggery?0

    • April 7, 2008

    Communist China has tried mightily to put on a friendly face for the upcoming 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. But with China’s thuggish military occupation of Tibet on display to the world, the regime in Beijing is showing its true colors.

  • Taiwan: China-free Zone0

    • January 14, 2008

    In his second inaugural address, President Bush told the nations of the world, “When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you.”

    The Asian nation of Taiwan is a young and dynamic representative democracy, so you might think the U.S. gladly stands with Taiwan in its desire for United Nations membership and international recognition…you are wrong.

  • The U.S. Should Support Taiwan’s Bid For United Nations Membership, Even If It Does Annoy China0

    • November 4, 2007

    In September, a United Nations General Assembly committee voted to deny Taiwan’s most recent request to become a UN member state, citing Communist China’s ongoing and absurd claim of sovereignty over Taiwan—even though it is plainly obvious that Taiwan functions as an independent state—and that only Beijing may represent Taiwan’s 23 million citizens in international organizations.

  • Redefining “Poor”0

    • October 24, 2007

    Recently I’ve read a series of articles about the working poor in El Paso County. Two things struck me. First, for the people profiled, dating, getting married, having children and then staying married was not a big part of the picture. Second, everyone profiled was richer than almost everyone else on the planet.

  • Low Expectations Won’t Help Anybody0

    • October 3, 2007

    Full disclosure: My wife got good grades in law school. She graduated third in her class. She practices law with a firm downtown that only hires lawyers with good grades, just like every attorney there.