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Independence Institute | Health Care Video Series Surpasses 240K Views

We’ve been enjoying some incredible – yet under the radar – video successes here at the Independence Institute.  About a year ago, we launched a series of health care videos, starting with this laugh out loud doozy featuring one of my main minions Justin Longo. The video took off instantly clocking thousands of views within a few days, thus launching it into the oft coveted “viral” stratosphere. To date, our initial Obama Care video has been our most successful breaching the 100,000 view mark just a few weeks ago.

The second video titled Health Reform hit the ground running as well, and amassed quite a large following due to its hysterical game show theme. Now it sits comfortably at over 60,000 views (and counting..). The third video – Health Care Reform – was based on a fallacious narrative presented by National Public Radio (NPR) touting the public “option.”

We finished up this five video series with two interviews with a couple of Canadians we connected with on our Canadian health care trip back in September. Word of warning: both of these stories are heartbreaking and illustrate the human cost of government controlled health care. The first is the story of Cheryl Baxter, who after experiencing chronic hip pain in 2002, finally fled to the U.S. eight years later to get treated. The second story showcases young Lin Gilbert, who at just 27 years old was forced to wear diapers, use a walker, and became addicted to morphine because of chronic back pain. She finally received treatment after three years of suffering.