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In 2013, Get Ready For An ObamaCare Tax Onslaught

At Forbes.com, Grace-Marie Turner summarizes the new taxes imposed by Obamacare:

  1. Medical Device Tax
  2. A new Surtax on Investment Income
  3. A new Medicare Tax
  4. The new Flexible Spending Account Tax
  5. ObamaCare also tightens the screws on Itemized Medical Deductions
She writes:

Many more taxes are coming, including a “tax penalties” for individuals and businesses who don’t comply with ObamaCare’s mandate that they purchase government-approved health insurance.  The Congressional Budget Office expects these penalties for non-compliance to bring in $160 billion in the first decade they are in effect.

ObamaCare’s $1 trillion in total tax increase hit everything from health insurers, drug companies, and tanning salons to Health Saving Accounts and – eventually – high-cost employer-based health insurance.

Read more: As 2013 Begins, Get Ready For An ObamaCare Tax Onslaught.

See also: “An Unhealthy Dose of Obamacare Taxes” at Reason.com.