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HCPC_logoThe Health Care Policy Center’s focus is on public policy that safeguards consumers’ ability to determine their own choices about their own health care and the care of their families. HCPC fights the expansion of government directed health care that infringes upon individual choice. Director Linda Gorman has earned a reputation as one of the nation’s leading experts in free market health care issues.

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  • ObamaCare lawsuits: Sissel vs. HHS & Coons v. Geithner0

    Two free-market organizations have filed lawsuits against the health control bill (HR 3590): The Pacific Legal Foundation has filed Sissel v. United States Department of Health & Human Services. Matt Sissel writes: … because I’ll be older than 30 when the mandate kicks in, I won’t be given an option to buy low-cost, high-deductible insurance […]

  • Colorado Amendment 63: doctors for or against?0

    Regarding Colorado Amendment 63 (health care choice), Mike Krause of the Independence Institute writes: The 7,000 plus member Colorado Medical Society (CMS) had its annual meeting last weekend, and the Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590, aka Obama Care) was a main focus of the gathering. The CMS apparently surveyed its membership, and according to an […]

  • DC funds opposition to Colorado Amendment 630

    The Colorado Secretary of State’s website reports that Colorado Deserves Better, the group opposing Amendment 63 received 90 percent of its $156,000 in funds from groups with addresses in Washington, DC. They include the National Education Association, the Service Employees International Union, the AFL-CIO, and the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center. The three Colorado groups in […]



Linda Gorman, Director, Health Care Policy Center
Email: Linda@i2i.org
Phone: 303-279-6536, ext 107
