Regarding Colorado Amendment 63 (health care choice), Mike Krause of the Independence Institute writes:
The 7,000 plus member Colorado Medical Society (CMS) had its annual meeting last weekend, and the Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590, aka Obama Care) was a main focus of the gathering. The CMS apparently surveyed its membership, and according to an excellent Colorado Public Radio news piece, around half of CMS member doctors think the federal health care law “will make health care worse, not better,” around a third say the law “will make health care better,” and the rest call it “a mixed bag” or are not sure. …
Edie Sonn, who is the director of public affairs for the Colorado Medical Society, has been widely quoted (including her CMS title) by numerous media outlets speaking against Amendment 63 …
Read the whole post: Are Colorado Doctors Opposed To Amendment 63 Or Not?