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The residents of Colorado have been roiled by public arguments over the proper scope of government and the level of taxes and spending appropriate and necessary to finance its operations. Unfortunately, Coloradans often hear most from the people and special interests who benefit most from the spoils of an ever-expanding government. Our citizens need clear analysis of government taxation and spending from non-partisan experts focused exclusively on the interests of residents and taxpayers. The Fiscal Policy Center does just that.

The purpose of the Fiscal Policy Center is to protect the pocketbooks of Colorado taxpayers and ensure government spends Coloradans’ hard-earned money responsibly and efficiently on essential government services. The center produces substantive policy analysis, educates the public on its findings, and promotes fiscal policy ideas centered around the principles of limited government, the free market, and the liberty of individuals and families to choose where their money goes.

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    The Colorado Skills Gap: Underlying Causes0

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  • Interview with Paul Prentice: Economic Impact COVID-19 Policies in Colorado

    Interview with Paul Prentice: Economic Impact COVID-19 Policies in Colorado0

    Paul Prentice, economist and Independence Institute senior fellow, sits down with Jon Caldara to discuss his study Unequal Opportunities, Unequal Outcomes: The COVID-19 Recession in Colorado. The study explores Colorado’s policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic and social consequences of those policies for various populations across the state.   I don’t know

  • A Path to Zero Income Tax for Colorado0

    When an interviewer recently asked Colorado’s Democratic governor Jared Polis what the state’s income-tax rate should be, he answered without hesitation: “It should be zero.” For many Coloradans, this came as no surprise: The effort to chisel away at the income tax has already gained steam in the state. Last year, voters reduced the tax



Jake Fogleman, Director of Policy
Email: Jake@i2i.org
Phone: 303-279-6536, ext 118
